Are you...
- Trying to find work?
- Booking small gigs that can't pay the bills?
- Tired of trying to figure this out on your own?
with Matthew Del Negro
(from the people who bring you 10,000 NOs Podcast)

E S T. 2021
Overcome nagging negative thoughts with...
- LIVE Weekly Access to a proven pro
- LIVE Monthly Access to Industry VIPs
- A tight-knit group of mentors & fellow artists
the biggest challenge to taking the road less traveled is that you often feel like you’re on the outside looking in. “What are the rules?” “Who should I follow?” “What do I do now?” If you don’t know someone who has walked the path you’re about to take, or at least one that’s very similar, it’s easy to get lost and tired, eventually giving up from sheer exhaustion. Setbacks are expected, but with no one around to mentor you, encourage you, and hold you accountable, those setbacks will become breakdowns.
WOrking actors community allows you to be a part of an exclusive clan of strivers like you that are looking to better themselves and stay on point as they march toward fulfillment and success. As an Insider, you’ll be given access to curated content and guided, in live sessions, by a truly experienced leader and his network of experts, both professionally and personally.
What is the Working Actors Community with Matthew Del Negro?Our community is a place for strivers, who are looking to better themselves and stay on point as they travel on their journey to success. The main draw is weekly, intimate, live sessions with Matt where we focus on topics and challenges that often accompany a non-linear career path (the mindset required to withstand repeated rejection, logistics of increasing your chances of success in a field full of uncertainty. Each week includes Matt bringing individual members into “the hotseat” to coach them through specific, current challenges they face and relate them to the rest of the group. Each month, an expert VIP guest comes in to shed light from their specific perspective (talent agent, manager, filmmaker, casting director, social media guru, etc.). We (omitted) foster a supportive, kick-in-the-butt-when-needed, community of awesome people... if this sounds like you, please join us!
What if I can't make the Live Meeting Time?Because our members live in all different parts of the world, if you can’t make it to any of the Live Zooms or the VIP sessions, you can easily access them after the fact on the private Facebook group included in your membership. All past Zooms can be searched with the hashtag: #livereplays
What day of the week and time of day are the Live Zooms?For the most part, Live Zooms are scheduled on Mondays at 1pm Eastern Standard Time (New York) / 10am Pacific Standard Time (Los Angeles) and last one hour. Sometimes, due to the busy schedules of VIPs, or Matt’s shooting schedule, Zooms will be shifted by a few hours or even a few days, but this is rare and will always be mentioned in the private Facebook group ahead of time.
Do I have to join at the beginning of the month?Nope! You can join whenever you want and your subscription will renew on the same date each month. You can catch up on past videos, from the inception of Insiders in January 2021 forward, in our private Facebook group.
Do I have to have Facebook to join?You do not need a Facebook account to join Insiders. However, we have a highly active, private Facebook group where our community can support each other, watch replays, share resources and collaborate on projects. If you are not a Facebook user, we use email to send out Zoom Links for the VIP sessions and you will be given the recurring weekly Zoom link by email as well.
What if I need to cancel?You can cancel your membership directly whenever you would like to do so. This prevents the following month from being charged. We do not offer refunds if you cancel halfway through your billing period. Note: if you maintain your membership without skipping a month, you will remain at whatever the rate is when you join, for the life of your membership. If you discontinue and rejoin later you will come back at whatever the market value is at that time.
What makes this group different than other online communities for actors and creatives?Matt is still in the trenches of his career, not an “expert” who had one line on a show twenty years ago (he was recently a series regular on Showtime’s City on a Hill with Kevin Bacon and Aldis Hodge and currently doing major recurring roles on Long Bright River with Amanda Seyfried and Mayor of Kingstown with Jeremy Renner). While he has found success as an actor, he did not find it overnight so you will relate to his stories of struggle and how he negotiated them. He has also spoken to hundreds of high achievers on his podcast, 10,000 NOs about how they overcame their struggles so his advice is not just from his own personal journey. His podcast has been so popular and useful to listeners that in 2020, Wiley & Sons Publishers gave him a book deal to write 10,000 NOs: How to Overcome Rejection on the Way to Your YES so you are in the best of hands.
I’ve heard this community is growing. Will it lose its power if it gets too big?No. Matt has carefully learned to make the setup of our Zooms such that, no matter how large the numbers get, the feel of our meetings remains intimate as it will only be Matt on screen. Or Matt and whomever he is coaching. During the VIP sessions it is only Matt and his guest until we open it up for a Q & A, at which time the person asking the question will also be spotlighted. This keeps an intimate and personal quality to the Zooms. Also, the positive effect of larger numbers is the multiplication of collaborative opportunities with other members.